Problems with IMP on horde

Thomas Angermayer
Mon, 5 Mar 2001 22:58:19 +0100

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Thanks Brent for your help. I hope someone in this list has or had a =
problem as I sill have. Please find enclosed my problem description. =
are some further details:

My server is a RS6000 running AIX 4.3.2  as OS
The Apache-Server has the version: 1.3.17
I'm using PHP4 with the version 4.0.4pl1
Horde: 1.2.4
IMP: 2.2.4

This is the output from test.php3 from the horde distribution:
Horde Versions

     Horde: 1.2.4
     IMP: 2.2.4

PHP Version

     PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
     PHP Major Version: 4
     PHP Minor Version: 4pl1
     PHP Version Classification: release
     You are running a supported release of PHP4. Enjoy the ride!

PHP Module Capabilities

     IMAP Support: Yes
     LDAP Support: No
     MySQL Support: Yes
     PostgreSQL Support: No

PHPLIB Configuration

     track_vars: Yes
     PHPLIB (is page_open() defined): Yes
     I am now going to try to create a HordeSession class. If this line =
the last thing that you see, then you do not have class HordeSession =
in the phplib file. Fix that before proceeding.
     Created a HordeSession instance successfully.
     Click here to test PHPLIB for Horde (If this link results in =
Contains No Data" or "Fatal error...", then you probably have not =
the HordeSession class in the PHPLIB file).

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

     magic_quotes_gpc set to Off: Yes
     magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes


The PHPLIBS are also ok!!!!!!!

I hope someone from your list can help me with my problem..

BEst regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brent J. Nordquist" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Thomas Angermayer" <>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 1:20 AM
Subject: Problems with IMP on Horde (fwd)

> Thomas, I don't know the answer to this one.  A quick search of the =
> list archive shows that a few others have reported this problem over =
> years, but no definite conclusions.  There is a syslog message in the
> middle of the defaults.php3 you sent?!  Make sure that isn't in your
> actual file.  :-)
> I'm sending this to the IMP list to see if someone else might have
> suggestions.  Please reply to this message and tell the list exactly =
> version of Horde, IMP, Apache, and PHP you're using; those details =
> matter.
> --
> Brent J. Nordquist <> KC0JMP
> Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 16:51:05 +0100
> From: Thomas Angermayer <>
> To:
> Subject: Problems with IMP on Horde
> Dear Mr. Nordquist!
> I've a strange problem with IMP on horde and I pretty hope that you =
> give me an advice... I've setup horde and IMP on =
> It seems that horde ans IMP all run correctly. But when I try to =
> the imap or pop3 service on from IMP then I =
> only the message "Document contains no data" and the apache server =
> log posted: "FATAL:  emalloc():  Unable to allocate 537214681 bytes". =
> in case I misstyped my user name or my password I get the appropriate =
> message that the login failed.
> Now it comes. When I try to connect to our other IMP-Server
> from IMP everything works ok and a can =
> my mailbox there. The next strange thing is that when i go to the =
> homepage to the demo IMP-Server (URL:
>, I'm able to log on to
> over IMAP!!!!!
> I don't know what's wrong here.
> I hope you can help me! Please finde my IMP defaults.php3 enclosed
> Thanks in advance and with best regards
>     Thomas
> <?php
> /* file: defaults.php3 */
> /* setup.php3 by Jason "ZeroDiVide" Orcutt < > */
> /* For debugging purposes */
> $default->error_level                    =3D '15';
> /* The longest that things like file uploads and slow functions */
> /* should be allowed to run. 0 means run until termination */
> /* (forever if infinite loop). */
> /* NOTE: you can't set this to 0 if safe_mode is on. */
> $default->max_execution_time             =3D 0;
> $default->localhost                      =3D =
> /* Web Server Configuration */
> $default->root_url                       =3D '/horde/imp';
> $default->include_dir                    =3D './templates';
> $default->graphics_url                   =3D '/horde/imp/graphics';
> /* Default IMAP Server Configuration */
> $default->server                         =3D '';
> $default->from_server                    =3D '';
> $default->port                           =3D '143';
> $default->servtype                       =3D 'imap';
> /* Default IMAP Folder Configuration */
> $default->folders                        =3D '';
> $default->use_imap_subscribe             =3D false;
> $default->show_dotfiles=3D false;
> $default->save_sent_mail=3D true;
> $default->sent_mail=3D 'sent-mail';
> $default->postponed=3D 'drafts';
> /* Ldap searching */
> $default->use_ldap_search                =3D false;
> /* Server list : user is presented with a list */
> /* of available imap servers */
> $default->use_server_list                =3D false;
> /* User changeable items */
> $default->user_change_server             =3D true;
> $default->user_change_port               =3D true;
> $default->user_change_servtype           =3D true;
> $default->user_change_folder             =3D true;
> $default->user_change_from               =3D true;
> $default->user_change_fullname           =3D true;
> $default->user_use_addressbook           =3D true;
> /* Check For New Mail Configuration */
> $default->newmail_popup                  =3D false;
> $default->refresh_delay                  =3D '600';
> /* External Binaries Configuration */
> $default->path_to_sendmail               =3D '/usr/sbin/sendmail';     =
> $default->path_to_ispell                 =3D '/usr/bin/ispell';        =
> $default->path_to_mswordview             =3D '/usr/bin/wvHtml';     /*
> $default->path_to_tar                    =3D '/bin/tar';            /* =
> /* Cyrus Configuration */
> $default->personal_folders               =3D '';    /* i.e. INBOX. */
> /* Default Language Configuration */
> $default->language                       =3D 'de';
> /* Message Configuration */
> $default->append_header                  =3D true;
> $default->append_trailer                 =3D true;
> /* Text Viewing */
> $default->text_parts_inline              =3D true;
> /* Database Configuration */
> $default->use_db                         =3D true;
> $default->database_driver                =3D 'mysql';
> $default->db_user_name                   =3D 'hordemgr';
> $default->db_password                    =3D '**********';
> $default->db_security_nag                =3D true;
> $default->db_name                        =3D 'horde';
> $default->db_server_name                 =3D 'localhost';
> $default->db_pref_table                  =3D 'imp_pref';
> $default->db_address_table               =3D 'imp_addr';
> $default->db_connect_string              =3D '';
> $default->db_server_port                 =3D '';
> $default->db_server_options              =3D '';
> $default->db_server_tty                  =3D '';
> ?>

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