[imp] Making large scale changes

Atif Ghaffar aghaffar@developer.ch
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 03:34:38 +0100

Rich Lafferty wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 10:22:10AM +0100, Atif Ghaffar (aghaffar@developer.ch) wrote:
> >
> > The IMP developers have are a little reluctant to accept all
> > patches/ideas from people who think a little bit different from
> > them.
> Nick, Atif is still bitter about the rejection of his single set of
> patches which completely changed IMP's interface, 

Rich, I did not mean no flame, blame towards Horde developers.
I was simply stating the way things work in many publicly developed
softwares (including ISPMan. I dont accept patches from other
users/developers if it takes my software where I dont want it to go).

By the way, if you are going to talk about my rejected work, every time
I speak, then please keep your counts correct.
1. Frames patches
2. Java integeration, suggestion along with example. I can look back in
archives and see that people were asking for exactly that sort of thing.
3. Filters separation from the preferences code to make it play nicer
with non-php apps.


Atif Ghaffar
Internet Development Manager
4unet AG/SA 

	+41 78 787 51 45 ¦ voice
	+41 86 0796598972¦ fax
    http://www.4unet.net ¦ www
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  atif.ghaffar@4unet.net ¦ email

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