[imp] Who is using SilkyMail?

lps@buffalo.edu lps@buffalo.edu
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:44:00 -0500

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 01:24:43PM -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting lps@buffalo.edu:
> > Who out there is currently using or plans on using silkymail?  Any
> > opinions?
> Well, I did a lot of the initial development of it... what do you want to know?
> -chuck

I have 2 technical questions and one usage question.

1.  When using IMSP, it seems that the only data (file) that is stored locally
    by SilkyMail is htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/sessions which is only temporary
    information that is necessary only for current open sessions.  If we were 
    to change machines on which the silkymail server was hosted, users
    shouldn't notice because there is no permanent data being stored locally,
    correct?  I ask this because we have our email accounts spread across 4  
    imap servers, we plan on putting silkymail on each imap server, and  
    occasionally we migrate users from one imap server to another.  Through a
    frontend webpage we will always redirect users to the silkymail residing 
    on the imap server on which the user's mail is stored.

2.  If we don't use IMSP, then there are just two files stored locally on the
    silkymail server - htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/sessions and
    htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/preferences, correct?  Would it be possible to
    extract a particular user's preferences from the preferences file and move
    them to a different silkymail server if we wanted to move that user to
    another server?

3.  I also would like a list of sites currently using or planning on using
    SilkyMail and number of email accounts for each site.  I suspect the
    number of sites might be low since it only recently came off beta.

