[imp] Who is using SilkyMail?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:54:00 -0500

Quoting lps@buffalo.edu:

> 1.  When using IMSP, it seems that the only data (file) that is stored locally
>     by SilkyMail is htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/sessions which is only temporary
>     information that is necessary only for current open sessions.  If we were
>     to change machines on which the silkymail server was hosted, users
>     shouldn't notice because there is no permanent data being stored locally,
>     correct?  I ask this because we have our email accounts spread across 4 
>     imap servers, we plan on putting silkymail on each imap server, and  
>     occasionally we migrate users from one imap server to another.  Through a
>     frontend webpage we will always redirect users to the silkymail residing
>     on the imap server on which the user's mail is stored.

That is correct.

> 2.  If we don't use IMSP, then there are just two files stored locally on the
>     silkymail server - htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/sessions and
>     htdocs/silkymail/imp/data/preferences, correct?  Would it be possible to
>     extract a particular user's preferences from the preferences file and move
>     them to a different silkymail server if we wanted to move that user to
>     another server?

It is possible, but not painless; that's a dbm file, so you'd need some sort of 
tool to do the migration; it wouldn't just be cut-and-paste.

> 3.  I also would like a list of sites currently using or planning on using
>     SilkyMail and number of email accounts for each site.  I suspect the
>     number of sites might be low since it only recently came off beta.

This, I have no idea, since I haven't worked for Cyrusoft in over a year now.

Can I ask you what factors make you consider Silkymail over IMP?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11