Quick Question on Turba

James Tavares jtavares@loa.com
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 23:15:08 -0400

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Hello everyone,

Just a quick question on a related, but unrelated topic. See, to have
WebMail I absolutly need Contact Management. So, while I know things
should go well with IMP (I use 2.2 now) I am unsure of Turba because I
have not used it before.

Besides, the website dosn't have many friendly things to say about it :)

So, the question is-- How stable/functional is Turba? And I mean from a
user's perspective... How "difficult" it may or may not be to install is
irrelevent because once I do get it working I won't have to touch it =
for a while. Does it offer all the basic features of the contact
management found in IMP 2.2 (with maybe even group contact support..hehe
:) )?

Thanks for any input you may happen to provide.


James Tavares <jtavares@loa.com>
Sr. Data Network Engineer
Log On America, Inc.
Ph: 1-401-459-6294
Fax: 1-401-459-6580
Web: http://www.loa.com/

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