[imp] Quick Question on Turba

James Tavares jtavares@loa.com
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:55:51 -0400

Thank you very much for the info..

I'll hop onto the Turba list for additional discussion on this matter, and
am interested in making Groups a reality. I hope I can help.

Btw, does the demo @ horde have Turba setup? (I'm assuming "no" since I
didn't see a Contacts button, but I could just be looking in the wrong


James Tavares <jtavares@loa.com>
Sr. Data Network Engineer
Log On America, Inc.

Ph: 1-401-459-6294
Fax: 1-401-459-6580
Web: http://www.loa.com/
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck@horde.org>
To: <imp@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [imp] Quick Question on Turba

> Quoting James Tavares <jtavares@loa.com>:
> > So, the question is-- How stable/functional is Turba? And I mean from a
> > user's perspective... How "difficult" it may or may not be to install is
> > irrelevent because once I do get it working I won't have to touch it
> > for a while. Does it offer all the basic features of the contact
> > management found in IMP 2.2 (with maybe even group contact support..hehe
> > :) )?
> (for all the folks asking Turba questions, I know it's very much related,
> there is a turba list - see http://horde.org/mail/ for all of the Horde
> Group contact support is definitely planned, but it's not there yet, and
it by
> itself is not going to hold up an IMP 2.4.0 release. There are a few
> integration issues that will, however, such as the login issue.
> That said, right now you can use Turba along with a sql or ldap backend to
> store individual contacts in a very flexible way, you can search for
> from IMP, and you can add contacts from within IMP, both through a nicely
> abstracted API. So there is at least as much functionality as the 2.2
> has right now.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11
> --
> IMP mailing list: http://horde.org/imp/
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
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Subject: Re: [imp] Quick Question on Turba

Quoting James Tavares <jtavares@loa.com>:

> Btw, does the demo @ horde have Turba setup? (I'm assuming "no" since I
> didn't see a Contacts button, but I could just be looking in the wrong
> place.)

Not yet. I'll see what I can do. Anil, how's your free time looking? =)


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  5 Apr 2001 11:17:32 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] IMP Login: errors in syslog

Quoting Lee Nelson <jld123@pobox.com>:

>   It works perfectly, but I get lots of errors in /var/log/messages.
> I've tried to track them down with no success.  All I know is that
> when I login to IMAP manually using the command:
>    'L123 LOGIN lnelson password'
>   No messages get sent to the syslog.  But tcpdump reveals that
> IMP is using 'AUTHENTICATE LOGIN' instead, and this seems like
> it could be part of the problem.

I remember this being a c-client problem; some option you have compiled into c-
client causes that to be tried first. Maybe the list archives will have the 
answer, or someone else will remember the exact details.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11

>From chuck@horde.org Date: Thu,  5 Apr 2001 11:36:49 -0400
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Date: Thu,  5 Apr 2001 11:36:49 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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References: <LHENJNKBMEPAHKCFNCHGEEINPHAA.dreamboy@aros.net>
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Subject: Re: [imp] RE: Turba?

Quoting Devin Atencio <dreamboy@aros.net>:

> I can't figure out how this turba thing works. When i click contacts right now
> it attempts to give me a login screen and I can't figure out why? What it is
> exactly that I'm suppose to be doing now? How do I get it so that when someone
> logins into IMP and they want to go into contacts it doesn't prompt for
> passwords for the Contacts and just lets them in? How do i also configure 
> Turba to use MySQL ?

First of all: there is a list for Turba, and also, since Turba is still 
development code, a lot of information has been on the dev and cvs lists. I'd 
recommend digging through those archives (all linked from 
http://horde.org/mail/) for information, and following those lists to keep 
abreast of changes.

turba/config/sources.php is where you'd configure Turba to use a mysql-based 
SQL addressbook.

The login is a Horde login. If you want people to be able to use Turba 
anonymously (and this does mean that they'll all be able to see and access each 
other's contacts), set Turba to allow guests in horde/config/registry.php. 
Otherwise, we're working on the login issue, and it'll be taken care of as soon 
as we can.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11