[imp] A beginner setting up IMP

twarfield@astcorp.com twarfield@astcorp.com
Sun, 15 Apr 2001 23:50:47 -0500 (CDT)

   Im probably not the best person to be helping you with this, but this 
happened to me also when I first got setup.  I looked at everything and thought 
hey this doesnt make any sense why this isn't working.  Then after digging 
further I noticed that I hadnt setup my server information properly.  I am 
connecting to a POP3 server instead of a IMAP server.  
   Something to try and check out is do a TCPDUMP and watch and see if the IMP 
server is trying to connect to the mail server.  Also check out the mail server 
logs as well.  Those are some things that will help figure out what is wrong.


Hey here is the FAQ that I used before to fix the problem I was having.  I dont 
think the setup program ever asked me specificaly if i was using POP3 or IMAP 
and I think that it just assumed IMAP.  I could be wrong, been a couple of 
weeks, but I did reference this part of the FAQ and it fixed my inital problems.

Where I got this from:

Here is the info:
2.3.5 Can I use POP3 instead of IMAP?
Certainly! IMP supports IMAP, POP3, and even NNTP; just specify the appropriate 
protocol in horde/imp/config/servers.php3 or set 
   $default->user_change_servtype = true;          
   $default->user_change_port = true;

   $default->servtype = 'pop3';
   $default->port = '110';

in horde/imp/config/default.php3. 
Keep in mind that PHP will always have to be compiled with the --with-imap 
option to configure, and built against the IMAP c-client libraries, even if 
you're not going to use it with an IMAP server. 


Quoting Tony Arcus <tony@access-info.co.nz>:

> I have set up IMP successfully or so I thought.
> Going to /horde/imp I get the login screen with no errors.
> Other information screens are working fine like test.php3 and
> phpinfo.php3
> I enter user name (valid)
> And password (valid)
> And it tells ms:
> Either you have logged in incorrectly or your login has expired.
> Please
> login again.
> To you that know what have I not set up, what can I send you that will
> help
> get to the bottom of this?
> Tony Arcus
> Access Information Limited
> Waitangi Rd f4
> Carterton, Wairarapa
> 06-379-6668 * 021-827-660
> tony@access-info.co.nz
> -- 
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