[imp] Turba tie-in with IMP

Rick Stevens rstevens@vitalstream.com
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 12:51:52 -0700

James Tavares wrote:

>> As far as LDAP is concerned, I just don't want to violate some OID
>> somewhere.  Lots of people run their LDAP servers with full schema
>> checks and I don't want to break them.
> Those people are wasting their life away. Do we distribute schema's for use
> on SQL databases? No. We create our own tables.. I see no harm.
> I always try to adhere to an existing attribute, but who gives a shit? If
> it's my LDAP directory, storying my propiertary information, I'll organize
> it any damn way I please. :) I'm not going to adapt some crazy attribute
> name ("Gee, well, that's sorta kinda what I'm trying to store....") simply
> to save the "expense" of creating another one.
> And, if it's "schema _CHECKS_" that people want, install a new schema file
> for each application you are administrating. (I.e., when turba settles down
> I imagine we'd see a registered OID scheme come out for it-- if it hasn't

> already.)

Easy, man, easy!  LDAP has schemas because it was intended to be
accessible from outside your local environment (read "referrals" and
the old X.500 stuff).  Some folk do enforce schemas and those are the
people I'm trying to protect.

Will we need to create our own OIDs?  Sure we will.  Should that break
a system that currently enforces schemas?  No, it shouldn't.

- Rick Stevens, SSE, VitalStream, Inc.      rstevens@vitalstream.com -
- 949-743-2010 (Voice)                    http://www.vitalstream.com -
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-   To err is human.  To forgive, a large sum of money is needed.    -