Fwd: Re: [imp] username and password

Mark Chitti imp.list@markchitti.com
Fri, 04 May 2001 09:47:04 -0400 (EDT)

What operating system are us using?  Solaris?  What version of php, imp, horde,

sasl, pam etc., are you using?

I know on redhat, that you'll need imap-2000-9 if you have php-4.0.4-pl1-9.  

As for what it means, the imap server is not happy with pam/sasl authentication. 
 Which as near as I can tell is caused by a bug in php.

rstevens said:

>I have installed the imap-2000-3 and have configured it in /etc/services
    >and /etc/xinetd.d directory. Still i am unable to get through the login
    >process it says that ;
    >Either you have logged in incorrectly or
    >your login has expired. Please login again.
    >What does this mean?

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