Spell Check Problem

Brad Vedders veddebra@aquinas.edu
Fri, 4 May 2001 11:11:03 -0400 (EDT)

I've been testing imp pretty heavily to see if we can put it into a
production environment and ran across a problem with spell check.  When I
reply to a message and spell check it it appears to work okay.  The
problem comes in when I click "done" (to save current changes and not go
any further; to prevent spell checking the original email).  When it comes
back to the regular text box (where you would ordinarily hit send), most
of the text I had typed as a reply is missing.  I have been able to
reproduce this twice.

I'm using the latest cvs (updated this morning) and I am using the Red Hat
7.1 standard Aspell (International 3.1.20 Ispell/ .32.6 Alpha Aspell).


Brad Vedders

Aquinas College -  ITS
UNIX Technical Support Manager
(616)  459-8281  x3743