[fix] mswordview error output

Mark Koek mark.koek@stelvio.nl
Tue, 15 May 2001 15:38:45 +0200


I've been searching this list's archives for a solution to the problem that
errors and warnings from mswordview appear inside documents that are otherwise
rendered pretty reasonably.

I didn't find any answers so I started looking at the source. I think I found
the problem:

If you open lib/mimetypes.lib in your horde/imp/ directory and go to line 444
you'll see

$pipe = popen("$default->path_to_mswordview $word_name 2>&1","r");

If you replace '2>' by '>' (remove the 2) the error messages will disappear!


PS The default value for path_to_mswordview ("/usr/bin/wvHtml") doesn't work,
the wv binary installs as "/usr/local/bin/wvWare".