poppassd.php3 error
Tim Gorter
Fri, 18 May 2001 18:22:24 +0000 (GMT)
Hi guys,
The poppassd.php3 in the tarball with IMP 2.2.4 has a fault that affects my
The POPPASSD specification notes that the interchange between client and server
follows this protocol
Appendix A: poppassd
For historical interest, the "poppassd" protocol is described
C: <open connection to port 106>
S: 200 poppassd (version 1.1) ready.
C: USER fred
S: 300 send password
C: PASS stupid
S: 200 Hello, fred.
C: NEWPASS still-stupid
S: 200 Password changed for fred
S: Goodby.
In the script the test for error it checks the first 3 digits returned from the
server, which normally is 200 from the above. All except for the line
with 'send password' where it is 300.
In poppassd.php3 it checks if it is 200 and thus comes back with the error '300
send password'
changing the number to 300 from 200 on line 111 solves this.
BUT I note that on later versions of the poppassd deamon running on some
servers, the code returned is actually 200.
My poppassd deamon is ver 1.0.4
I checked another server running ver 1.2.0 and it returned 200
So I ask, what is the PHP code to check if the return code is either 200 or
300, as I think it needs to be checked if it is either or?