[imp] cyrus imap?
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 22 May 2001 18:20:34 -0400
Quoting Tom Corner <corner@chello.at>:
> It configures, compiles and installs now. It now reads and displays properly
> the horde/index.php3 file. I haven't tested the imap functions yet. Will this
> really work with a cyrus imap server? It is 11:45PM here in Vienna now. I'm
> going to bed now and will continue tomorrow.
Well, Netscape Messenger isn't compiled against anything that comes with Cyrus,
neither is Outlook. They both work against Cyrus.
Cyrus is an IMAP server. PHP plays the role of an IMAP client. What vendor
those come from doesn't matter; IMAP is a standard.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.