[imp] Re: Re: Something I don't understand

Santiago Romero sromero@servicom2000.com
Fri, 25 May 2001 17:25:33 +0200

El vie, 25 de may de 2001, a las 11:18:03 -0400, Chuck Hagenbuch dijo:
> Quoting Santiago Romero <sromero@servicom2000.com>:
> >  IPPL informs the sysadmin of all tcp/ip conections.
> >  If IMP had connected to mail.servicom2000.com, it would appear a
> >  LDAP request from on IPPL...
> And you don't see anything like this?


> >  I have no idea (this is not a DNS problem, as I can ping to IP,
> >  to mail, mail.servicom2000 and mail.servicom2000.com )... when running
> >  my view-ldap.sh script (using openldap) I can connect :?
> Can you write a simple php script (see http://www.php.net/manual/ref.ldap.php 
> for examples) that can connect?

 Ok, I've saved the test on ref.ldap.php as test.php3 and I've changed
 localhost to mail.servicom2000.com (just to see if it connects).

 I get:

LDAP query test

Connecting ...connect result is 1

Binding ...Bind result is 1

Searching for (sn=S*) ... Warning: LDAP: Unable to perform the search:
No such object in /home/sromero/merca/apachesh/htdocs/test.php3 on
line 18 Search result is

Warning: 0 is not a LDAP result index in
/home/sromero/merca/apachesh/htdocs/test.php3 on line 21 Number of
entires returned is

Getting entries ...

Warning: 0 is not a LDAP result index in
/home/sromero/merca/apachesh/htdocs/test.php3 on line 24 Data for
items returned:

Closing connection

 Ok, it connects (the other errors are surely related to the LDAP
 search that the test does, maybe looking for objects non existent
 on our LDAP database).

Santiago Romero
Departamento de Sistemas

Av. Primado Reig 189, entlo
46020 Valencia - Spain
Telf. (+34) 96 332 12 00
Fax. (+34) 96 332 12 01