[imp] I am having another problem with 2.2.5

Christopher Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:00:13 -0500

> problem.php3  is not linking properly anymore.
> I am looking at the php code (horde/imp/templates/menu/menu.inc) between
> two versions, and it seems to be the same.  The problem that I am

Some additional information to help troubleshoot the problem:

I get the thumbsup.gif image okay. So I do not believe there to be a problem

>From horde/config:
horde.php3:$default->horde_root_url           = '/horde';
horde.php3:$default->horde_graphics_url       = $default->horde_root_url .

I am using a SSL implementation only. The link from the menu bar for "!
Problem?" is: