[imp] Move deleted messages to Trash folder...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:45:00 -0400

Quoting Santiago Romero <sromero@servicom2000.com>:

>  I would like to add a piece of code that checks if exist
>  a given IMAP Folder (i.e. Trash) and create it if it does
>  not exist... how would be that code under IMP and where
>  should I put it? (the problem is that users should have
>  Inbox, Correos_Enviados, Papelera and Mis_Correos, but they
>  shouldn't be able to create/manage folders, so I've removed
>  the link to the Folder php3 page).

There's a patch for a trash folder with 2.2 linked from 

>  Another problem I have is that I've configured IMP to not
>  to show the deleted messages. This works perfect, but If I
>  click on a message and use NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons (the
>  gray arrows), then it opens also the deleted messages, instead
>  of not opening them... does this have any solution?

2.3 solves this; in 2.2 we can't rely on having a version of PHP with 
imap_search which is necessary to do this.

>  Where can I reduce the full font size of the COMPOSE MESSAGE
>  window/frame? (on 800x600 I need to use the scrollbar as the
>  font size is quite big).


>  How can I change all the INBOX references to "Bandeja de Entrada"?
>  In spanish, INBOX = Bandeja de Entrada. The problem is that some
>  parts of IMP (the upper frame, the folder-list for the Copy/Move
>  option, etc) use INBOX and they do not allow translation :( I know
>  the IMAP folder is called INBOX, but maybe there is a way to test
>   if( folder == INBOX) echo "bandeja de entrada".

No, you can't. And you shouldn't, because "bandeja de entrada" is a perfectly 
valid folder name. We don't translate folder names, period.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.