[imp] Move deleted messages to Trash folder...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:20:00 -0400

Quoting Santiago Romero <sromero@servicom2000.com>:

>  I'm using PHP 3.0.18 which has this function... is there any
>  patch to add this to 2.2.15 ?


>  Another thing I was looking for was that IMP shows the messages
>  showing first UNREAD and then the rest (all sorted)... is that
>  possible? (if you don't have the time, just tell me if it's
>  possible due to IMP's architecture and I'll try. Any advice
>  or guideline would be welcome, as you know IMP's code so it should
>  be quite easy for you).

It's possible, but it isn't in 2.2, and it won't be. All future development is 
being done for 2.3.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.