[imp] LDAP problem

Nels Lindquist nlindq@maei.ca
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:16:29 -0600

On 20 Jun 2001, at 10:44, Brent J. Nordquist wrote:

<quoting me:>
> > By way of contrast, here's a log entry for a successful search from
> > Pegasus Mail:
> >
> > (search for Surname contains L)
> > > Jun 20 09:14:45 acct-srv slapd[28951]: conn=19 op=1 SRCH
> > > base="dc=maei,dc=ca" scope=2 filter="(&(badfilter)(cn=L*))"
> >
> > It appears that whatever parameters I try to search on, IMP is
> > requesting a search on the common name field.  I don't know what the
> > &(badfilter) thing means, either.
> Am I missing something?  The Pegasus and IMP ones appear to be exactly the
> same.  Anyway:

Oops!  I failed to copy before that last paste, it seems.

Here's the real one.

> Jun 20 09:01:39 acct-srv slapd[28951]: conn=14 op=4 SRCH
> base="dc=maei,dc=ca" scope=2 filter="(sn=*L*)" 

> For compare/contrast, here's mine:
> $LDAPServers['example'] = new LDAPServer('example',
>                                         'Example',
>                                         'ldap.example.edu',
>                                         'o=Example College',
>                                         'sn',
>                                         'cn,mail,sn,givenname',
> 'is,is_strict,contains,begins,ends');
> So:  you might try dropping those extra blank parameters at the end of the
> server list, or dropping the ",uid,ou" off the search fields, etc., to see
> if that gets it going again.

Dropping the last blank parameter did the trick.  At least, the 
search returns successfully.

However, the filter still seems not to be translating the requested 
search field properly.  Whatever I choose from the pick list, the 
search filter ends up as "(&(mail=*)(cn=...))".  For example, here's 
what the server recorded when I requested a search for "First Name" 
is (strict) "Nels":

> Jun 20 10:02:34 acct-srv slapd[28951]: conn=31 op=1 SRCH
> base="dc=maei,dc=ca" scope=2 filter="(&(mail=*)(cn=Nels))" 

The filter *should* be "(&(mail=*)(givenName=Nels))".

As long as the cn field happens to match the search I do, then I'll 
get a result, but it's not really working the way it should.

Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.