[imp] LDAP - GWIA

Cliff Green green@UMDNJ.EDU
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 16:25:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Craig White wrote:

CW> Which I guess gets me back to my original question...
CW> If I can query the Novell/GWIA LDAP with...
CW> ldapsearch -x -b "dc=aidssc,dc=org" -h host_ip "(objectclass=*) -v -P 2
CW> and it returns a stream of data that includes a sample like...
CW>   (please ignore real data)
CW>   # YCB,ASC,ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
CW>   dn: cn=YCB,ou=ASC,ou=ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org
CW>   sn: Benson
CW>   givenname: Yvonne
CW>   telephonenumber: 222
CW>   objectclass: person
CW>   cn:: WXZvbm5lIEJlbnNvbiA=
CW>   mail: YCB@aidssc.org

Pardon the questions, but the above return is interesting...

Is this a complete entry for this person?  The reason I ask is that it
shows two different cn values, one consisting of initials, and one of a
base64 representation of a (presumably) binary value.  That's odd.

Are the ou values consistent across the organization?  That is, does
everyone have ou=ASC, ou=ASCDOM?  Also, strange as this may sound, are
other objects besides people being stored in the directory (ie, like
equipment, groups, etc.).  If so, then expanding the basedn may help weed
out the stuff you don't want.

CW> and my imp/config/ldap.php3  - includes...
CW> $LDAPServers['aidssc'] = new LDAPServer('aidssc',
CW>                                            'AIDSSC',
CW>                                            '',
CW>                                            'dc=aidssc,dc=org',

What happens when this is 'ou=ASCDOM,dc=aidssc,dc=org' ?  I know this may
be too restrictive, but just for testing purposes...

Clifford Green               Internet -  green@umdnj.edu
Academic Computing Services                    UMDNJ-IST
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.