Problem opening efax and jfax documents in 2.3.7

Kris von Mach
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 12:25:08 -0400

And I have tested it a bit further and noticed that if you use imp 2.3.7 
over https, it opens the document fine.

I have also tried adding "efx"           => "application/octet-stream", to 

Which didn't help.

I am running on apache 1.3.20 with php-4.0.6.

So to sum it up

Opening efx/jfx document in 2.2.5 over http works
Opening efx/jfx document in 2.2.5 over https works
Opening efx/jfx document in 2.3.7 over http Does NOT work
Opening efx/jfx document in 2.3.7 over https works

Any ideas as to why it doesn't work?

 > I have noticed that in the latest cvs you have problems opening efax and
 > jfax documents, trying to open from current location you get document not
 > found after it downloads it. If you save it, it opens just fine.
 > 2.2.5, opens efax and jfax just fine.
 > I have tried it only in IE 5.5
 > Is there something that needs to be changed to the mime.php?


>From Date: Fri,  6 Jul 2001 12:53:09 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] WAP, IMP, and POP3

Quoting Andrew Nichols <>:

> I am interested in finding a way for my customers to be able to check
> their email on their WAP-enabled phones and wondered if IMP supports
> this or if there are any additional modules that will make it work? Or
> if anyone has any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them. The only
> options I've seen for WAP so far are IMAP-based, which isn't an option
> for us right now.

I got part way into implementing a WAP version of IMP, but it's kind of a back 
burner project right now.


Charles Hagenbuch, <>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.