Rick Romero
Mon, 9 Jul 2001 11:58:51 -0500

Ok, I havn't played with horde/imp for a while.  Since the old php3 
version was working great for me, I had no need to.

I have a customer who wants web mail, so I installed horde for him. 
 I did have a bit of trouble getting it going.  I was just going to copy 
my old install, phplib and all, but decided not to tempt the mojo of 
getting php3 and php4 working together again.  I went for the latest 
verion, and I was getting module lang already defined or something 
like that in BOTH the stable, and the cvs version.  I was running the 
cvs version out of /cvs/horde.  After I moved the cvs to /horde, and 
fixed the paths, everything started running great!  Maybe I had 
missed a path somewhere..

I setup horde to auth via IMP, and added turba.  Almost no 
problems, considering my INSTALL file for turba from cvs was 0 
bytes :).  I added both public and private address books, and was 
impressed that turba asked me which to add contacts to.

You guys had a great web mail client when I first installed it, and 
you've actually improved on it!  Even the cvs version runs like a 
release version.  

Great job guys!

Rick Romero

IT Manager
Valeo, Inc.