[imp] Automatic login IMP form portal
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:30:49 -0400
Quoting Sergey Kanareykin <kanareykin@denison.edu>:
> I am currently working on a portal (based on uPortal
> by JA-SIG) and I want to create a channel that will
> log users into IMP automatically. The udea is: their
> password is retrieved from SQL or LDAP, so the user
> just clicks a button, and IMP opens in a new window.
> So, the username and password are POSTed by the
> webserver, not the browser, and it's the
> webserver that gets the response. So I thought I could
> make the webserver set the cookies IMP would have set
> otherwise, and then redirect user to mailbox.php.
> I could not do this at the first attempt, and now I'm off
> to read the source more thoroughly :)
> Anyway, has anyone done this sort of thing before? I would
> be very grateful for any kind of advice. I am sure there is
> a more graceful way of doing this...
I'm not entirely clear what you mean by having the webserver do the POST, but
you should be able to modify redirect.php to do what you want fairly easily.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.