[imp] Login problem with IMP 2.3.7

Peter Fokkinga peter@eccoo.rug.nl
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 00:59:32 +0200 (CEST)

Quoting Devin Atencio <dreamboy@aros.net>:
> I have an account that won't log into 2.3.7 for some
> reason. The logs show:
> Jul 17 11:51:40 IMP [notice] login success for
> chandee
> {pioneeroutdoor.com:110}
> Jul 17 11:51:40 IMP [info] FAILED LOGIN to
> pioneeroutdoor.com:110[pop3] as chandee
I'm staring at the same thing right now. Horde & Imp from CVS, current as of 1 hour ago; using PHP 4.0.5 on Debian testing. I have PEAR installed and the sessions seem to work (at least the counter in horde/test.php gets incremented).

Around line 300 of lib/IMP.php there's a call to @imap_open(). In my case there's about 10 seconds between the initial success login and the subsequent failure. When the login fails $imp['pass'] still has the same value as when the login succeeded, but Secret::read(Secret::getKey('imp'), $imp['pass']) returns gliberish (non-ascii chars) instead of the password in plaintext as it did when the login was successfull.

Even though the logfile says 'login failed', I'm not bumped back to the login screen, but get the 'Welcome peter@eccoo.rug.nl' message and a logout button. On that page are a few warnings though, I'm not sure if they're related to the login problems:

Warning: Undefined property: _default_error_mode in /usr/lib/php4/PEAR.php on line 237

Warning: Undefined property: _default_error_options in /usr/lib/php4/PEAR.php on line 261

I'll have another look tomorrow, now I'm off to bed ;-)

Regards, Peter Fokkinga
the only thing worse than infinite recursion is infinite recursion