[imp] Manuals...howto...where??...
Roger Boussen
Thu, 2 Aug 2001 21:20:33 +0200
Op donderdag 2 augustus 2001 15:51, schreef je:
> Quoting Roger Boussen <Roger@Boussen.net>:
> > IMP and filtering email to map's
> > and central addressbook, I'am using MySql
> You can do both of these (I think - what do you mean by "map's"?) with =
> 2.3. And lots of other interesting things. Can you be more specific? Ar=
> you asking about a particular version?
I'am using 2.2.4 now.
I want to filter incoming mail on subject etc. and place it in a map/folder
IMP, Redhat etc.
So I need 2.3 to do nice things like filtering.
Is imp-2.3.6.tar.gz a "stable" release? I need it for an elementary school so
it has to be more stable then M$ software.
Does this work with horde 1.2.6 and php4.0.4 or do I need other version?
-- Running Redhat 7