[imp] Same IMP authentication problem.

Rich Lafferty rich@horde.org
Thu, 2 Aug 2001 21:13:10 -0400

On Thu, Aug 02, 2001 at 07:48:08PM -0700, Andrew Cook (apck@avertel.com) wrote:
> Im having the same problem that I have read on this list, but I havent seen
> any solutions posted so Im going to go ahead and reiterate my problem.
> IMP sends a 'logout' to the imap server immediately after any user log's in.
> So in essence, user log's in, user clicks on anything, user appears to be
> logged back out (when in actuality they were logged out right after logging
> in, prior to clicking on anything).
> log entries are the same
> Authenticated user blah blah blah
> Logout user blah blah blah
> etc.
> The FAQ just kind of dances around this problem...

What version of Horde and IMP are you using? 


Rich Lafferty --------------+-----------------------------------------------
 Montreal, Quebec, Canada   |  Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus!
 http://www.lafferty.ca/    |    http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus.html
rich@lafferty.ca -----------+-----------------------------------------------