[imp] HTML Mail

Craig M. Dupree cdupree@csr.utexas.edu
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:23:23 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Rich Lafferty wrote:

> Can you forward me the /full/ headers from that? (Did you retype those
> by hand? Is that last one actually "X-UIDL", and are you using IMAP or
> POP?)

This is what was forwarded to me by the user, though I could get the
full message.  We use IMAP within imp, but this setup is pretty new,
and most users use POP to get their mail.

     /^^^\      Craig Dupree                Center for Space Research
    /~O~O~\     UNIX Support                University of Texas
    \  U  /     dupree@csr.utexas.edu       3925 W. Braker Lane, #200
-oOo-------oOo- MCC, 2.9208                 Austin, TX 78759
kludge, n.: An ill-assorted collection of poorly-matched parts, forming a
distressing whole.  --Jackson Granholm, "Datamation"