[imp] Bad things after 2.3.7snapshot install...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 17:48:04 -0400

Quoting Dan Ellis <danellis@rushmore.com>:

> Just grabbed the CVS last night and tried installing.  Everything went real 
> smooth until I go to login.  I login fine, but alas no subject or froms on 
> any message in my inbox!  The mailbox is fine, cause I'm reading it from an
> IMP 2.2.6 install.

What exactly do you mean by no subjects or froms?

> Anyways, here's what I've done...  Fresh snapshot of php4.0.6 (last night), 
> compiled with gettext, imap, imap-ssl, kerberos, etc.  Works fine. horde's 
> test.php says everythings cool.

Does the 2.2.6 install work with the same infrastructure? (version of PHP, 
imap, etc...)

> Also, I can't click on the compose either...  Strange, maybe a bad cvs
> download?  I copied all the *.php.dist to *.php in both horde and imp.

What does the link actually point to?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.