[imp] Tarball with all sources in it

Raghava Solipuram RSolipuram@iperia.com
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 16:54:13 -0400

iam finding hard time to start . i have been working on installation and
environment setup for the whole week but no progress as iam a first time
user. I apppreciate if anyone can help me out in setting up the environment
on WindowsNT workstation with IIS as my webserver and Oracle as database.

-----Original Message-----
From: Travis Zadikem [mailto:travis@thezadikems.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:49 PM
To: imp@lists.horde.org
Subject: [imp] Tarball with all sources in it

A few friends of mine have been looking at IMP/HORDE
for a while, but keep getting shyed away because of
all the downloads that they have toget first (i.e.,
PHP4, APACHE, openssl (if they want ssl), imp, horde,
etc).  Why doesn't someone create a tarball with all
the sources in it.  That way a person can just
download the tarball, unzip it and then go into each
directory and run the make for each particular
program.  This would save a lot of time in the long run.

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