[imp] Incorrect year in on Summary pages (INBOX, etc.)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 16:27:32 -0400

Quoting Michael Stamper <michael@wishard.edu>:

> Hello.  I have a strange problem.  Some email messages I show the
> correct month and date but wrong year on the summary pages, such as
> INBOX.  However, IMP seems to be aware of the proper date because it
> places them in the proper positions when I sort by date and the proper
> date shows up when I open the message.  Here's what I am running:

Somehow, those messages have the wrong $h->udate value, where $h is the value 
of imap_header. It's basically a timestamp; IMP 2.2 uses it to determine dates, 
and it's not always reliable, as you've found. IMP 2.3 can rely on a php4 
function that parses the actual date header into a timestamp, so this isn't an 
issue there.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Some fallen angels have their good reasons.