[imp] (imp) LDAP search criteria options
Michael Stamper
Wed, 05 Sep 2001 15:23:42 -0500 (EST)
I did it! I figured it out, and I also fixed another annoyance along the way.
I didn't like the way IMP would reset the search fields when choosing a
different LDAP directory. We have 8 different address books at our site,
and the users will not have access to outside directories like Bigfoot, etc., so
this works for us. Here's what I did:
I modified 2 files in /horde/imp/templates/contacts:
javascript.inc & ldap-php3.inc
Part One (to expand LDAP search criteria options):
In javascript.inc, I commented out the following lines (lines 279-301 in my
files, under the function UpdateOptions())
/* if (attr == "<?php echo $lang->mail; ?>") {
if (document.ldap_form.ldap_serv.options[0].selected ) {
if (document.ldap_form.ldap_serv.options[1].selected ) {
if (document.ldap_form.ldap_serv.options[2].selected ) {
if (attr == "<?php echo $lang->sn; ?>") {
if (document.ldap_form.ldap_serv.options[1].selected ) {
Part two (to disable auto updating seach fields when changing LDAP directories)
I commented out parts of lines 28 & 45 - to skip "onChange=UpdateSelect()"
Here's what they look like now:
28: <select name="ldap_serv" > /* onChange=UpdateSelect()> */
45: <select name="attr_type"> /* onChange=UpdateOptions() onLoad=UpdateSelect()>
I'm certain there are better/cleaner solutions to achieve these results. but
these seem to work for me...
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> Quoting Michael Stamper <michael@wishard.edu>:
> > > > How can I expand the options for the "email" search to include
> the
> > > > "contains" criteria?
> > >
> > Sorry, I forgot to include that information.
> > Horde 1.2.4
> > IMP 2.2.4
> If adding it to the last parameter to the LDAPServer constructor in
> config/ldap.php3 doesn't do it, then somewhere - probably in
> templates/contacts/ldap-php3.inc - you'll just have to hack it in. It's
> been
> years since I looked at that ldap code, sorry...
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> Some fallen angels have their good reasons.
> --
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