[imp] text/html content-type messages appearing as attachment s (For CVS Version)

m.ibarra@cdcixis-na.com m.ibarra@cdcixis-na.com
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 10:46:38 -0400

Under the current cvs version, this is under imp/config/mime_drivers.php
and make the change where $mime_drivers['imp']['html']['inline'] = false; 
to true.


PS With regards to Chuck, I think he's managed to clone himself and of the
clones use the same account, I mean he's not just on the horde and imp list,
but ALL of the other horde projs as well! Great job, very much appreciated.

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001 Bernard.Paris@psp.ucl.ac.be wrote:

> I use horde-1.2.6 with imp-2.2.6 on a RedHat7.1 box, php404pl1.
> when receiving a message witch has text/html content-type (thanks MS
> express), it appears in my Netscape browser as an empty message with one 
> attachment. Any idea to avoid this so that I can view the message content 
> correctly and directly ??

 It's not a bug, but a feature.... HTML rendering of message body is
 not wanted (it can hide malicious scripts).

 you can configure that in imp/configure/mime.php
 There's a section like that :

 Hope this help !

Personal note >
 I'm very impressed by the number of mail answered by chuck et al. 
 How the hell do you manage to read the huge traffic of all the list, answer
 the messages, develop HORDE and do something else the rest of the day ?

 I'll be eager to have some tips about personnal day management, because i
 feel unable to do the quarter of what you seem able to do ;( <grinnn>


Mathieu CLABAUT                            mailto:mathieu.clabaut@free.fr
DIGINEXT                                     http://mathieu.clabaut.free.fr
45, impasse de la draille, P.A. La Duranne,   tel: 04 42 90 82 91   
13857 Aix En Provence - cedex 3               fax: 04 42 90 82 80

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