[imp] 237-cvs: Still no folders (was: Re: [imp] IMP 2.3.7: No folders selectable/shown)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:59:13 -0400

Quoting Alexander Skwar <ASkwar@DigitalProjects.com>:

> What do you mean by that?  My "inbox" (the file where mail would end up
> if I wouldn't have a .procmailrc) would be /var/spool/mail/askwar. But,
> in reality, because of the procmailrc, mail apears in
> /home/askwar/Mail/2001-09-Mailbox.

Ah. Sounds like you want 'folders' to be 'Mail/', then (case sensitive).

> Well, I'd expect IMP to list me all files and directories in my Inbox.
> But the directories should *NOT* be expanded right away (I've got about
> 40.000 files in my home, so listing them all would take QUITE some
> bandwith and time - no good).
> Now, when I click on a folder, imp should show me the contents of this
> folder and it should show me any other folder I previously opened.
> However, the "old" folders should be cached.
> Does this make sense?

I think you're a bit mixed up. Also, please go easy on the "should"'s. 
Try 'Mail/'; see if that clears things up for you.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the 
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin