[imp] Another UI question for IMP development
Jon Parise
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 10:53:46 -0400
On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 08:10:19AM -0400, Kevin M. Myer wrote:
> Why not have the To: line be a two field entry area after the first
> address is entered. New addresses can be entered in either one but the
> top one contains all the addresses. Addresses entered in the second line
> are concatenated with the list on the first line each time names are
> expanded. But there's always either a blank field to enter new names or
> you're at the end of the list of names, if you're typing in a long list.
While that's an interesting idea, I think some users may find it
even more confusing that scrolling to the right to add a new
At least with the current UI, there's a notion of "all To:
addresses go on this line", and the user really should know
enough to scroll to the right to get to the end of the list.
Granted, it's a inconvience to scroll all the way to the right,
but there are keystrokes that make this faster (as suggested in
another message in this thread).
The two-field approach would also be more difficult to handle
programmatically and could lead to ambiguities.
Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu) . Information Technology (2001)
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/ : Computer Science House Member