[imp] imp questions (usability issues)

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 01:39:30 -0400

--On Friday, October 12, 2001 2:48 AM -0400 Chuck Hagenbuch 
<chuck@horde.org> wrote:

>> - I couldn't find an obvious way to filter on the string "[imp]". I can
>> filter on "imp" but that matches "import" and other words. Should the
>> filter allow non-alphabetic characters? If it already does, should this
>> be  added to the Help for that line? I tried "[imp]", [imp], \[imp\],
>> but none  worked.
> Hmm. Not sure why that doesn't work, though it might have to do with the
> imap_search stuff. Max, any luck with this?

OK, this one anyway I'm trying to run down. It looks to me like the problem 
is that imp or imap c-client isn't putting quotes around the string [imp] 
and my reading of RFC2060 and the SORT extension makes me think it should. 
I'm not sure just yet which piece is broken, but I'll try to find out and 
report back.


Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.