[imp] authentication problem in log files

Bernard Paris Bernard.Paris@psp.ucl.ac.be
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 09:22:17 +0200

I gest this is the same problem I posted on 16 oct 2001, "imapd Login 
failure from IMP":

Althought IPM, Horde and all the webmail features work all very well, 
I always get strange login failure messages in my imapd logs, coming 
from IMP accessing imapd:
Oct 15 14:48:52 guppy imapd[24717]: Login failure user=\200)^H 
host=guppy []
Oct 15 14:48:55 guppy imapd[24715]: Login failure user=P')^H 
host=guppy []
I'm afraid this will become worst when hundreed of users will access 
the IMP server.
here are things I use:
    redhat7.1 - kernel 2.4.9
    mysql-server 3.23.32
    mysql  Ver 11.12 Distrib 3.23.32

I got this following suggest from Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>:
Upgrade your version of PHP4 to remove a buffer overflow,
or just apply this patch to your php-4.0.4pl1 code and recompile



but I not have been trying since my php comes from 
php-4.0.4pl1-9.i386.rpm package and upgrading to php-4.0.6.i386.rpm 
implies lots of other changes.

I'm still thinking now on what to do with this......
