[imp] PHP and IMAP support with IMP

jan@horde.org jan@horde.org
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:52:40 +0200

You HAVE to compile php --with-imap


Zitat von Kevin Clark <kclark@krynn.halfdimension.com>:

> Hope this is the right list.  I been searching the docs and groups for a hard
> answer to this problem I am having.  Trying to get horde and imp and IMAP all
> working toghter.  Everything is working great but I cant get IMAP support. I
> try to edit my php.ini script for support but no luck.  I am using php 4.0.6
> as a dynamic module for apache.  I am restarting my server after editing.  I
> don't think i used the --with-imap option when configuring php.  Do i have to
> recompile php or should editing php.ini work.  Here are some vitals
> Red Hat 7.1
> latest qmail
> latest horde
> lateset courrier IMAP
> php 4.0.6
> latest imp
> thanks
> Kevin 
> -- 
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