User's email address on the menu

M Z Rahman
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:59:37 +0000

Hi guys,

I get always confused by opening several IMP windows for my several e-mail
accounts. So I wanted a quick solution for IMp to show my e-mail address
somewhere so that I know which e-mail box I am in.

Below is the patch for the e-mail address to show beside the menu options on the
top frame of the IMP window. If you think you also are victim of this, then you
can apply the patch. The 'maildomain' has to be set in imp/config/servers.php
for this patch to show your domain as it gets the value from there.

---------Patch start here------------

---        Tue Oct 23 16:34:30 2001
+++        Tue Oct 23 16:42:23 2001
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
+<td width="100%" align="center"><br><b><?php echo $imp['user']?>@<?php echo
 <td width="100%">&nbsp;</td><!-- spacer -->
 <?php if ($conf['user']['allow_folders'] && isset($menu_folders)): ?>

------------ Patch ends here--------

