[imp] IMP via stunnel

Mika y92smial@kyamk.fi
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 23:29:42 +0300 (EEST)

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, François Philippo wrote:

>do you think that it is possible to make works IMP via stunnel + apache +
>ssleay ?
>I try but I have many strange trouble with stunnel
>does anyone have ever do that ?

I didn't notice anyone answering so here goes. I don't know about 
ssleay but this is how we do it with stunnel/apache/mod_ssl (this does 
not require a SSL-aware IMAP server):

- Compile stunnel both on client and server (naturalyl)

- IMAP server:
	stunnel -p <serverkey.pem> -d imaps -r localhost:imap

- IMP client:
	stunnel -c -d imap -r <imap-server>:imaps

- /etc/services:

	imap2           143/tcp         imap            
	imap2           143/udp         imap
	imaps           993/tcp                  # IMAP SSL

- And on IMP client your IMAP server is 'localhost', port 143.

And that just works.

	Mika Aleksandroff, Kymenlaakso Polytechnic

 "Hillary Rodman on jo vuosia kuulunut henkisiin majakkoihini,
  niihin ihmisiin, joiden mukaan tarkistan aika ajoin omat
  koordinaattini."                             - Anja Snellman