[imp] Log or a $var_dump to check MySQL prefs connection?

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:11:24 -0400

--On Tuesday, October 23, 2001 4:43 PM -0400 Mike Coughlan 
<mcoughlan@gothambroadband.com> wrote:

> Seems like quotes are what's needed.  From the mail list, I believe I may
> need a newer lib/Prefs/sql.php.

That's right. I fought my way through this a couple weeks ago. Make sure 
you have the latest version of that file, and maybe mysql.php also (my 
system is offline so I can't look). When you start getting strings quoted, 
your DB will start working.


Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.