[imp] Strange data and new CVS snapshot

M Z Rahman zrahman@partex.net
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 09:24:10 +0000

> > 
> > "There was an error viewing the requested message."
> > 
> > This is happening all the times when I try to move a message. I tried with
> > different mailboxes.
> I still have yet to see any of these problems. Is anyone else?
> My only guess is that either PHP or your webserver is just freaking out on
> you.
> -chuck

Okay Chuck: I tracked down the problem. It only occurs in IE 6.0. Also, after 
logout the strange behavior of not parsing the motd.php comes only in IE 6.0 
and I got it in Netcape 4.0, Netscape 4.0 in Sun Solaris.

There is no problem with IE5.0, or Netscape 6.0.

That's all I could track down till now.

