horde/imp config with pop

Scott Augustus scott@visgen.com
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:57:57 -0400

Greetings all,
I'm currently running cvs version of horde, imp, php, pear and turba using 
mysql.  My problem is that we're currently using pop3 for all our 
clients.  We want to offer webmail to users, not as a replacement for our 
current pop implementation, but simply as a means to provide users the 
ability to check mail remotely.  I've currently got imp working but need a 
bit more functionality. I know from reading the archives that folders while 
using pop and imp are not possible.  I'm wondering if there are any other 
potential configs that will give us what we need?

Basically what I seek is some means for users to be able to manipulate mail 
(folders, delete mail local to the webmail server only!) while they are out 
of office, but have all their pop remain so when they return they can pull 
it all down.  Is there a way to config imp and imap to pull pop mail from 
an internal server and drop them in local mailboxes on the webmail server 
while leaving all mail on the pop server? Thus allowing folder creation 
etc?  I believe similar functionality is available in some of the cgi 
based  webmail solutions, however, they're far too slow and no where near 
as slick as imp :-)
