[imp] Strange data and new CVS snapshot

M Z Rahman zrahman@partex.net
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:05:51 +0000

Okay, fixed. I think I should share this with the list. It's pretty strange (at 
least to me!).

During the auth bug time I was trying to solve the pear problem of my 
kronolith. So, to be sure I put the include_path in php.ini as : 

include_path = "/usr/local/lib/php"

I thought, this was okay. I even posted it ot the list. IMP acted just fined 
with during the bug time with this setting in php.ini. When I updated horde and 
imp after the auth bug fix, it started to act totally nuts, throwing garbage 
data on the screen. I backtraced what I modified during the bug time and just 
remarked the include_path line in my php.ini and restarted my apache, IMP 
started to work like charm. And, now my include_path in the phpinfo() page 
shows: ".:/usr/local/lib/php".

Can somebody kindly take his/her time to explain this?

By the my kronolith is also working like charm. :)

Thanks for all the help.


Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

> Quoting M Z Rahman <zrahman@partex.net>:
> > Okay Chuck: I tracked down the problem. It only occurs in IE 6.0. Also,
> after
> > logout the strange behavior of not parsing the motd.php comes only in IE
> 6.0
> > and I got it in Netcape 4.0, Netscape 4.0 in Sun Solaris.
> > 
> > There is no problem with IE5.0, or Netscape 6.0.
> I'm sorry, but that doesn't qualify as tracking down the problem. I use IE6
> also, and I still haven't seen this.
> I haven't had a chance to look at the motd.php stuff, but will later today.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in
> the
> arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin
> -- 
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