Updating Pear on a RH7.2 system
Ty Christensen
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 15:56:56 -0800
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I just upgraded a test system to RH7.2, and I noticed that it has PHP
4.0.6 as the default PHP version. I thought it might be easier to
install and use the new Horde and Imp, but I'm obviously wrong.
I knew I needed the newer PEAR version, so I just downloaded it from
ftp.horde.org. As near as I could tell, the directory that PEAR was
located in was /usr/share/php. I didn't find any other directory that
contained that stuff. I did as the instructions suggested, and I
extracted the newer PEAR within that folder replacing what was there. I
restarted Apache and went to the test.php page. Here's what I'm facing
1) The test.php page still shows the RPM version of PEAR, not the newer
2) A view of PHP info shows that one of the configure parameters
was --without-mysql...which I thought was odd, since the Horde test page
showed MySQL as being supported.
3) I've got Horde authenticating via MySQL, and when I try to login, I
get nothing and am promptly put back at the login page. I assume this
is also a PEAR problem.
So, from reading on the list, it appears that I need an even newer
version of PEAR. How can I get just the newer version of PEAR from CVS
or snapshot?
Ty Christensen
Master Mind Productions
(425) 836-0327
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>From g2@magestudios.net Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 18:12:35 -0800
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Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 18:12:35 -0800
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Subject: vmailmgr's long usernames
I am using vmailmgr for my domain's e-mail. This requires me to use the full e-
mail address as a username. Is there any way, with Horde/IMP, to have it
automatically append the '@domain' portion to the username? So if my username
is 'g2@magestudios.net' I would only have to type in 'g2'?
Gerard Escalante