[imp] 'Adding' other Horde components

Scott Singleton scott@beacon-inc.com
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 10:30:00 -0500

in your imp/config/conf.php look at the $conf['menu']['apps'] array..
here's mine

$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('turba','kronolith','nag','whups');

-----Original Message-----
From: Warwick Chapman [mailto:budgee@glenwoodhighschool.co.za]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 10:24 AM
To: imp@lists.horde.org
Subject: [imp] 'Adding' other Horde components

I probably gonna get nailed for this...

I have search the mailing list archives and the docs/ dirs of the 
projects and I cannot find anything.

I have been using IMP for about a year now, now I want to try 
kronolith and turba, I have CVS'd them, how do I get them to show 
up in IMP?


Warwick Chapman
Assistant IT Manager
Glenwood High School, Durban, South Africa
031 2055241
083 7797094

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Subject: Name completition


I added the bigfoot, netscape and verisign LDAPs to the list of
LDAPs/addressbooks which should be searched when doing a name lookup. 
Now, when I search for "Skwar", I get an awful lot of returns.  That's
not so bad :), the bad thing is, that there are also quite some dupes
and the results are not sorted.

Could this please be changed so that the results are sorted and that
there are no dupes?  I'd consider a dupe to be an entry which is all the
same after converting it to all lower (or upper) case and removing
unneccessary spaces in between the name.


Alexander Skwar
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Subject: REPOST: Updating identities

NOTE:  I recently posted this query here, but it didn't 
       show up in my email.  Please forgive me if you all 
       have already seen this.  This is almost identical to 
       the original post, except for a couple of typos that
       I've now corrected.

I have been using an old version of IMP 2.3.7 (with horde 1.3.4).
I recently did a CVS update to get the latest and greatest, and I
discovered that now the `horde_prefs' table makes use of an
"identities" field that wasn't being used in my old version 
(plus, the column names are now prefixed with `pref_').

I was able to get all my old horde_prefs data into the new table, 
but I don't have an easy way to create the new identities data
from the old horde_prefs data.

Before I re-invent the wheel ... has anyone come up with a script 
that will build identities values from the old,
non-identities-based `horde_prefs' data?

Thanks in advance.

 Lloyd Zusman