[imp] Message-Display ignores MIME charset
Otto Stolz
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 12:56:20 +0100
Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Unicode should work, with browsers/OSes that support it. I haven't kept=
> up on php's character support; is there the support necessary for us to=
> convert everything into unicode?
UTF-8 has an important, and useful, feature: ASCII is a proper subset of
In other words, every character, PHP (or almost any other programming
interprets as syntactical denotation, is alike in both ASCII and UTF-8.
if PHP simply forwards the bytes it does not interpret, it should work
with UTF-8.
I do know next to nothing about PHP, so somebody else please test this con-
jecture (or let's say: educated guess). As an example string you could use
in this test, I'll append the Russian line (this time correctly labelled as
UTF-8); its UTF-8 encoding contains an A0 byte which is not legal in
ISO 8859-1. As ISO 8859-1 is obviously handled by PHP, this is the only
possible trouble-spot to be tested.
Best wishes,
Otto Stolz
--------- Russian Example -------
Я говорю Руский язык очен плохо.