[imp] Are you using imp 2.2.7 with Red Hat 6.2 ?

bob.reven@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk bob.reven@unix1.trinity.ox.ac.uk
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:49:39 +0000 (GMT)

Quoting EdwardSPL@ita.org.mo:
> Are you using pop2 / pop3 / imap with imp 2.2.7 ?
> And do you know how can let users to change their password ?
> I hope you can help me about these questions...

EdwardSPL@ita.org.mo wrote:
> Hello,
> If you are using imp 2.2.7 with Red Hat 6.2 , please let me know !
> Thank for your help !

i do! i have a ready compiled binary of poppassd that i have working if you
want to allow users to change passwords

the following goes at the bottom of 

$default->change_password = 'poppassd.php3';
$default->poppassd_server = $SERVER_NAME;
/* $default->poppassd_server = $SERVER_NAME; */
$default->poppassd_port   = '85';

i deliberately put poppassd on 85 (a non standard port)

i then have the following in /etc/services
poppassd        85/tcp

the following goes in /etc/inted.conf
poppassd stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/poppassd poppassd

and in /etc/hosts.allow
poppassd: LOCAL

and in /etc/hosts.deny
poppassd: ALL

(alternatively just firewall off the poppassd port)

you can download the poppassd binary that i use here:
(for some reason winzip cant read this file but "zip" can)
irritatingly it says "error" even when the password is sucessfully
changed and i dont know enough PHP to figure out how to change it.
i have tried grepping for the error message but no joy.

i have it working here on an intel redhat 6.2 machine with imp-2.2.6-1rh6
(patched to 2.2.7) and horde-1.2.6-1rh6 

good luck!


bob reven