[imp] Error messages in Apache error_log.

Christopher Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 08:42:32 -0600


...this thread was temporarily abandoned while I attended more pressing
matters.   The trouble is that

# # $Horde: turba/config/prefs.php.dist,v 1.1 2001/01/24 05:55:35 chuck Exp
$ # # The following format is used for each preference: # # key name,
default value, editable # # 'key name' is the name of the preference object.
This name cannot contain # spaces or underscores. # 'default value' is the
default value for the preference. # 'editable' is a boolean value that
specifies whether a preference is # user editable or not (1 = editable, 0 =
locked) # user language language, en, 1

appears when I try to access turba after I have logged in to IMP.

> This is old... you are using a Turba tarball? If you're pulling it from
> something is wrong. Try RC3.
> -chuck

I pulled it from CVS.  To try to see what the problem was, I preserved my
config directory, then I removed the turba directory. I checked out turba
from CVS. I still have this problem.  What else could I inspect to determine
the cause of the CVS problem?   Do I need to purge data from the CVS logs to
pull a clean turba?

As always, allow me to express my gratitude for sharing your experience,
knowledge, and time.
