no php3
Jim Louis
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:20:00 -0600
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Hello Everyone,
I'm new to this list and this is my first time installing IMP (horde, =
and the whole gorilla.) I've really got a problem in that some =
instructions call for editing .php3 files and I don't have any .php3 =
files in any of the /config directories. I'm fairly sure that I have =
followed the INSTALL instructions correctly as I did it twice now. There =
are instructions in the INSTALL that say to copy =
/blah/blah/somefile.php.dist /blah/blah/somefile.php and that is all. Is =
there something not in the INSTALL doco that needs to be done?
James Louis
Unix System Administrator
Webhelp, Inc.
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