Warning: Mailbox is empty (errflg=1) in Unkown on line 0
Jimmy Myrick
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 11:12:10 -0600 (CST)
Running on FreeBSD 4.4, PHP 4.1.0, IMAP-UW 2001a, Apache 1.3.22
Horde 2.0 RC3, IMP 3.0 RC3
Been using IMP 2 for a whie without any problems.
Grabbed RC3 and am testing it for deployment. All works well when using
IMAP. However, the following message appears below the inbox listing when
a user's mailbox is empty using POP3:
Warning: Mailbox is empty (errflg=1) in Unknown on line 0
If there are messages, this error does not appear.
I used a small standalone php script to open the pop mailbox and I do not
get this error.
Tried different pop servers, same error. Tried different pop servers on
different platforms, same error. Tried downgrading c-client to earlier
version (2000c), rebuilt php, same error.
Added: "$ignore_errs = imap_errors();" to lib/IMP.php, same error.
Can anyone help?
Jimmy Myrick, jmyrick@tiger1.tiger.org