[imp] Is RC4 broken? **FIXED**

Joshua E Warchol jwarchol@dsl.net
Wed, 26 Dec 2001 16:45:54 -0500

I'm a knob. I've been working on this ALL day, trying everything, reading
the source, looking for something to explain all these problems. I mean
serously, not that much changed between RC3 and RC4. Well, I've found
the problem. When I was setting up the pref array in horde.php, I didn't
close my quotes around the password, and I forgot the semi-colon. Same
old story, typing faster than I'm reading. 

RC4 is fine, not broken in the slightest. Thanks for baring with me.

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 02:11:39PM -0500, Joshua E Warchol wrote:
> I've had no luck getting logged into RC4. I've got the auth set to imp,
> IMP is logging into my imap server, but I'm still getting that session
> error. When I look at test.php, the session counter advances just fine. 
> I'm at a loss. If anyone wants to take a look at what I'm getting, just
> let me know.
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 11:01:01AM -0500, Joshua E Warchol wrote:
> > Also, I can't seem to actualy log in. I enter a valid user, I see IMP 
> > connecting to my IMAP server with that username and password, the imap server
> > accepts it and logs IMP in, but I get put right back at the login screen 
> > with a message saying
> > 
> >     "Your Mail session has expired. Please login again"
> > 
> > Anyone know what I should do?
> -- 
> Joshua Warchol
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> DSL.net
> -- 
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Joshua Warchol
UNIX Systems Administrator